Our Cleaning Process

At Milton Maids, taking care of your home is our utmost priority, and it’s important to know what surfaces we should cover first in order to meet your needs.

Our cleaning services strive to adapt to your household and focus on the areas you spend the most time at, because that’s where the bacteria and dirt are most likely to build up.

Whether you prefer a Standard Cleaning, a Deep Cleaning, or a Move-In/Move-Out Cleaning service, we know how significant it is for you to know exactly which areas are cleaned and why they are included in the first place.

Kitchen & Eating Area

Your kitchen is both an important “working” area and a place of gathering for your friends and family. But most importantly, it is a place where you will be preparing food often. For that reason, it needs to be cleaned and sanitized properly.

With a clean kitchen and eating area, you will have the perfect place to entertain your guests and cook for your family.

These areas can be problematic because of grease, bacteria, dust, and other residues. But don’t worry! Our cleaning service will take care of your kitchen by sanitizing countertops, cleaning appliances and vacuuming floors.

This is particularly helpful if you need our Move-In and Move-Out Cleaning service, because it’s critical to get appliances deep cleaned when you and your family are going to move soon.

Milton Maids will leave your kitchen looking clean and beautiful. Photography: Freepik


Bathrooms can become a big headache, especially if you haven’t cleaned them in a while. Even if they are small rooms with just a few fixtures, for obvious reasons no one wants to take care of them.


And they are one of the most important areas to look after, as they are the perfect space for mold and bacteria to thrive. Milton already has high humidity, and it’s even higher in a small room with lots of plumbing and little sunlight and airflow.


This is where a cleaning company comes in and saves the day!


Milton Maids removes mold & mildew, cleans tile surfaces and leaves your toilet, sink and shower sparkly clean.


With our Deep Cleaning service, we will clean other areas such as your cabinets, baseboards, and your tile grout.

Sleeping & Living Area

Last but not least, you have your sleeping area (bedrooms), as well as your living room. Between sleeping and hanging out with your family, you probably spend at least +10 hours a day in these two areas.

Furniture pieces such as beds and sofas are always in contact with bacteria and dust. If you’ve noticed you have allergies frequently, it’s probably because your surfaces need to be sanitized.

In fact, if you haven’t cleaned these areas constantly, you might require industrial-grade equipment to deep clean these areas and extract dirt and bacteria.

With a professional cleaning service, your floors will be vacuumed and cleaned as well, and if you are moving in or out, we will also take care of light fixtures, window sills and ceiling fans.

Surfaces in your living area should be cleaned and sanitized as well. Photography: iStockphoto

Other Areas

Our cleaning process has been improved and perfected with time, but it is not set in stone. Offering a personalized service that makes our customers happy is our utmost priority.


That’s why there are lots of options for you to customize our service, in order to meet your needs and take care of every area in your home.


You can personalize your experience on our booking page. You can check for extras, additional instructions and areas that you want our staff to focus on.


And if you have additional concerns, don’t worry! We’re here to help. Check our FAQ and contact pages.