Differences Between Our Cleaning Services

With Milton Maids, you get six main cleaning services. We know that each household is different and even the same home can require different services over time.

Reading about our Standard Cleaning, Apartment Cleaning, Condo Cleaning, Deep Cleaning and Move-In or Move-Out cleaning services might help you sort out the difference between each one.

However, we’ve created this guide to explain each difference and help you fully understand what is the right service for you.

Each cleaning service is meant for a different situation. Photography: Liliana Drew / Pexels

First Steps Before Hiring A Cleaning Service

If you don’t have experience using cleaning services, there’s no need to worry. The entire booking process at Milton Maids won’t take you longer than 2 minutes!

If you have trouble figuring out your household’s cleaning needs, think of the last time you got your each room deep cleaned, either by yourself or with professional help. This is helpful to decide if you are going to need a Deep Cleaning service or extra cleaning tasks, for example.


  • To keep your home clean and tidy, a standard, scheduled cleaning service is the best option. This is perfect to improve your routine for both weekdays and the weekend, as you will have much more free time to spend with your family (or on your own!).


  • On the other hand, if you prefer cleaning regularly on your own but require extra help, a one-time cleaning service is the right choice. For example, let’s say you can handle regular cleaning but you have an event or festivity coming soon and you want to celebrate and have fun with your guests.


  • Last but not least, if you are in the process of moving in or moving out, we have a cleaning service for that as well. This process is very particular because your home has very little furniture, and this might seem like an “easier” type of cleaning, but at the same time this also puts every corner and surface in the spotlight. You can quickly notice stains on the walls, dirty floors, grease on the range hood, and so on. You can use our Move-In/Move-Out Cleaning service as a one-time service and then switch to a recurring standard service.


Whether you are going to need a regular service or a one-time deal, you can choose what’s best for your family and make any modifications depending on what you need at that point.

Types Of Cleaning Services

As we mentioned earlier, you have several types of cleaning services to choose from. This depends on your needs and what your household routine looks like. This means so much more than just the number of bedrooms and bathrooms.


For example, if you have pets or kids, you should vacuum your home more often. If you are a kitchen aficionado, then it might need a deep cleaning more regularly.


Besides, not all cleaning tasks take the same amount of time and effort. For example, vacuuming and mopping floors is a longer task than setting up the dishwasher, and time is limited, so it is important to work smarter and not harder.


With that in mind, we’ve created three main services that cover the most frequent needs for residential cleaning. During the booking process you can also request extras and give additional instructions, of course.

Some of our services include cleaning appliances . Liliana Drew / Pexels

Standard Cleaning

This will be the perfect balance between time and effectiveness.


With a Standard Cleaning service, we will cover the essential areas that you use more frequently, and that will make the biggest difference between a messy, dirty home and a clean and organized one.


Milton Maids will clean the main surfaces and components of your kitchen, eating area, living room, bedroom, and bathrooms. This includes wiping, disinfecting, vacuuming and scrubbing the main areas until everything looks squeaky clean!

Read More: Top 3 Areas That Require Cleaning In Your Home

The usual frequency for this cleaning service is twice a month. However, feel free to adapt this service to your needs, which means you could make it once a month or even once a week if you need extra help.


You can book this as a one-time service too! For example, if you plan on leaving your home for a vacation or if you spend most of the day out, it means that your home will be dusty but not necessarily dirty.


Make sure you visit our Standard Cleaning page where you can see the entire list of areas, surfaces, and cleaning tasks that are included.


However, if you haven’t cleaned your home professionally in a long time or if you require a wider and deeper approach, perhaps Deep Cleaning is a more suitable option.

Read More: Deep Cleaning

Deep Cleaning

Now, our next cleaning service is called Deep Cleaning. This is a variation of the Standard Cleaning, where you will get many more areas and surfaces covered through a more extensive cleaning process.


With Deep Cleaning, Milton Maids takes care of areas such as your baseboard, your door frames and your window blinds.


Even if you clean your home regularly, some of these areas are often left unattended. Deep Cleaning is perfect to bring these areas back to life again!


And trust us, these areas slowly gather dust, lint, and bacteria. Even mold and mildew in the worst cases. You might not realize it until it’s too late and you get used to this.


But once these areas are deep cleaned, your home will look and feel great again. Besides the aesthetic side, you will also notice your allergies will be easier to keep under control.

Deep Cleaning takes care of areas that are often overlooked. Photography: Freepik

Here’s how you can know if Deep Cleaning is the right service for you:

You Are A First Timer For House Cleaning

If this is the first time you book a professional maid service, we always recommend starting with a Deep Cleaning, for two reasons.


  • You will see the results right away and get familiar with the staff and their work method.


  • You never know how dirty your home is or how long it has been since it has been properly cleaned. By hiring a Deep Cleaning service, you start with the right foot and you can hire Standard Cleaning services later down the road.

You Have A Special Event

Having a special event is a great reason for hiring a Deep Cleaning service. This is because you are going to have friends, colleagues, or family and you want them to feel comfortable (and even a bit impressed, why not?) at your home.


Plus, if they are going to gather in a room in particular (your dining room, for example) you can ask our cleaning artists to focus on that area to make sure it is spotless. Your guests will definitely notice your home is looking stunning!

You Haven’t Deep Cleaned In A Long Time

It’s hard to track the last time you cleaned all areas in your home if you do it on your own. With a cleaning service it’s much easier as you can keep track with customer service.


Deep Cleaning might reveal a lot of problems that you had at home without you even knowing: dust in between your air vents, dirty grease filters that are hidden in your kitchen, and lint trapped in your mini blinds.


You can request a Deep Cleaning in our booking page.

Move-In/Move-Out Cleaning

The last type of service we have is special for moving. This is a particular situation because your home is empty right before you move, but it still needs some cleaning to leave it spotless for your next guest.


If you are moving out, it is customary to hire a professional service before you move, and it is frequently a legal requirement as well. In any case, it’s good to leave your home cleaner than it was when you moved.


And if you are moving in, it’s also convenient to get your home cleaned by professionals, ensuring that they cover all areas.


No matter if you’re moving in or out, this process is always stressful and demands so much time, physical and mental energy, even with the help of a moving company.


However, cleaning does not require any decision-making or require the homeowner to be present. You can delegate this task to a professional cleaning service.


Besides, time is an important constraint when you are moving and every day counts. Cleaning your entire home can take several days, if not weeks.


By hiring a cleaning service you reduce your stress levels and can focus on what’s really essential—moving and starting a new chapter in your life.

What’s Included In Each Type Of Cleaning Service?

At this point, you should have an idea of what is included in our services. Here’s a detailed list of the cleaning tasks included in each type of cleaning so you can have a clearer view of the differences between them.


Standard Cleaning

  • Clean and disinfect vanity and sink
  • Clean and disinfect the bathtubs, showers, and tile walls
  • Clean and disinfect toilets
  • Shower doors cleaned and disinfected
  • Clean and shine mirrors and chrome fixtures
  • Chemically treat mildew
  • Wash and disinfect the floors
  • Remove the trash
  • General dusting
  • Carpets vacuuming
  • Remove the cobwebs

Deep Cleaning

  • Clean and disinfect vanity and sink
  • Clean and disinfect bathtubs, showers, and tile walls
  • Clean and disinfect toilets
  • Give extra attention to shower doors
  • Clean and shine mirrors and chrome fixtures
  • Chemically treat mildew
  • Wipe baseboards
  • Remove the trash
  • Scrub tile grouting
  • Spot clean door and frames for fingerprints
  • Wipe fronts of cabinets
  • Extra attention to floors
  • Individually clean knick-knacks

Move In & Move Out

  • Clean and disinfect vanity and sink
  • Clean and disinfect bathtubs, showers, and tile walls
  • Clean and disinfect toilets
  • Give extra attention to shower doors
  • Clean and shine mirrors and chrome fixtures
  • Chemically treat mildew
  • Wipe baseboards
  • Remove the trash
  • Scrub tile grouting
  • Remove cobwebs
  • Spot clean door and frames for fingerprints
  • Clean inside and outside of cabinets
  • Clean light fixtures and ceiling fans
  • Give extra attention to floors


Standard Cleaning

  • Clean and disinfect the sink and shine the chrome
  • Clean countertops
  • Clean the drip pans
  • Wipe out microwaves
  • Vacuum and mop floors
  • Outside of range hood cleaned
  • Clean top and front of range
  • Clean fronts of other appliances
  • Remove cobwebs
  • Remove the trash
  • General dusting

Deep Cleaning

  • Clean and disinfect the sink and shine the chrome
  • Clean countertops
  • Clean drip pans
  • Wipe out microwaves
  • Vacuum and mop floors
  • Clean light fixtures and ceiling fans
  • Wipe baseboards
  • Clean inside range hood
  • Hand wipe all kitchen furniture
  • Spot clean doors and frames for fingerprints
  • Clean and shine appliances
  • Clean outside of cabinets
  • Clean grease filters
  • Clean knick-knack areas

Move In & Move Out

  • Clean and disinfect the sink and shine the chrome
  • Clean countertops
  • Clean drip pans
  • Wipe out microwaves
  • Vacuum and mop floors
  • Clean light fixtures and ceiling fans
  • Wipe baseboards
  • Clean inside range hood
  • Hand wipe all kitchen furniture
  • Spot clean doors and frames for fingerprints
  • Clean and shine appliances inside and outside
  • Clean inside and outside of cabinets
  • Clean drip filters

Living & Sleeping Areas

Standard Cleaning

  • Vacuum areas under accessible furniture
  • Vacuum readily accessible floors
  • Dust ledges and window sills
  • Remove cobwebs
  • Dust flat areas with damp cloth
  • Dust, mop, and vacuum wooden floors
  • Vacuum the stairs
  • Dust picture frames
  • General dusting
  • Dust heavy knick-knack areas
  • Ready the beds
  • Remove the trash

Deep Cleaning

  • Vacuum areas under accessible furniture
  • Vacuum carpet edges
  • Wipe window sills and ledges
  • Remove cobwebs
  • Clean light fixtures and ceiling fans
  • Spot clean doors and frames for fingerprints
  • Dust mini blinds
  • Wipe baseboards
  • Clean knick-knacks individually
  • Hand wipe furniture
  • Vacuum upholstery and furniture
  • Dust lampshade
  • Shine and clean mirrors
  • Dust heavy knick-knack areas
  • Dust louvered doors
  • Dust intricate items
  • Dust picture frames
  • Dust ceiling fans
  • Remove trash

Move In & Move Out

  • Vacuum carpet edges
  • Clean light fixtures and ceiling fans
  • Damp wipe ledges and window sills
  • Remove cobwebs
  • Spot clean frames and doors for fingerprints
  • Dust mini blinds
  • Wipe baseboards

How To Decide The Best Type Of Cleaning Service For You

After reading our comparison table above, you probably know what service is the right one for you.


As you could see, the Standard Cleaning service covers all essential areas and is perfect to get the majority of your home clean and disinfected. The Deep Cleaning offer all the same tasks, as well as additional tasks to clean your home from top to bottom.


And last but not least, the Move-In/Move-Out Cleaning service goes further on the areas and surfaces that are exposed and noticeable when your home has no furniture.


Don’t forget to check our FAQ page if you still have any questions about the right service for you.

Customizing Your Cleaning Service

Everyone’s household is different. Besides the list of cleaning tasks that are already included in each type of service, you probably need additional tasks or specific instructions.


For example, if you love spending time in the kitchen, you might need extra attention for your stove and range hood. Or, if your living room is full of books, you are probably going to need the bookshelves to be properly vacuumed and wiped clean.


For this reason, you can always include your top priorities during the booking process, in order for our cleaning team to focus on those areas or tasks, or you can consult and discuss it with us before deciding what areas they should focus on.

You can personalize your cleaning service. Photography: Tofwiqu Barbhuiya / Unsplash

More Questions? Contact Us!

We hope this page helped you to understand how to choose the perfect cleaning service for your household.


If you have any more questions or feedback, don’t hesitate to contact us.